About EB

Ethereal Bleat is where I blog about what's going on in my imagination. For a lot of different fandoms (movies, television shows, video games, books, etc.), I have an extremely depthful headcanon for certain characters and groups of characters.

A headcanon is literally the "canon" of your "head". The true, artist-written facts of a fandom are known as the canon. For example, canon information about Star Wars would be that Darth Maul's lightsaber is double-bladed and that R2-D2 is a robot. Now do you get where I'm coming from? Headcanon would be a person's own, original ideas within a fandom that they use for writing fan-fiction, drawing fan-art, etc. A headcanon idea would be that, instead of R2-D2 being a robot, you might imagine that there is another person operating R2-D2 in order to see what it's like to live as a robot (for whatever silly reason).

If it's still kind of tough to understand this stuff, if you're interested in reading my blog, you will most likely get it sooner or later. The creative community on the fictional world almost speaks a different language.

Hopefully, I'll also be blogging about fictional creativity and observance overall. It is, really, an odd and abstract thing that many people overlook and don't care to explore. Imagine: forming your own, original ideas about someone else's work of fiction. Weird, huh? If you ever feel like it, though, it's something I absolutely reccomend to explore.

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